UniServ ? What is a UniServ ?

The National Education Association UniServ (United Service) Program started in 1970 to provide assistance to local associations to help with collective bargaining, defense of member rights, political action, and other matters. Washington Education Association is composed of 21 UniServ Councils statewide, including our own Rainier UniServ Council.

Rainier has two large certificated locals, three classified units, and two higher education locals. 

Where are we?

The Rainier UniServ Council is located near Southcenter Mall, on Andover Park West. The Council represents a diverse group of members, including two large K-12 locals, an ESD classified unit, faculty at two community colleges, a school district classified unit, and a prof-tech unit. We have a membership of close to 4,000 which is supported by two UniServ representatives and two associate staff.

Who are we?

UniServ Director: Elizabeth Beck  206-246-9312

UniServ Director: Alan Sutliff  206-436-0864

Rainier UniServ Council President: Joe Bento 206-436-0863

Field Staff: Lori Fleck 206-436-0865

Field Staff: Lani Nguyen 206-246-4036

Our Mission:

"The mission of the Rainier UniServ Council is to engage, educate, organize, and empower members to advocate for themselves and their profession. We use our collective power to ensure excellent public schools for students, staff, and communities."

Our Vision:

"Leadership will aggressively pursue and communicate the interests of members in professional development, bargaining, political action, and community organizing. The link to WEA will be strengthened in order to provide the best services to members."

Our Facebook Page

Are you SURE you're a member?

In order to be a member of the WEA, you must fill out, sign a membership form, and return it to our office. We'd love to help you do that! Just call our office at 206.246.9308.